Next level​ innovation |

February  27 – 28, 2025 / Banski dvor, Banja Luka

Green Transformation of Companies and Corporations in the Region – Challenges and the Next Steps

How can companies in the region effectively start or accelerate their green transformation?

Green transformation is no longer just an option — it is imperative for companies and corporations worldwide, including in our region.

Transitioning to sustainable business practices, implementing ESG standards, decarbonization, and energy-efficient solutions present numerous challenges but also offers opportunities for companies aiming to lead the green economy.

This panel also will address:
What are the biggest challenges they face, such as adapting to regulatory frameworks, accessing green financing, and adopting technological innovations?
What are the next steps that will enable companies to position themselves as leaders in sustainable development and successfully meet market demands?

We will showcase examples of best practices and offer actionable recommendations to help companies adapt to changes, reduce their carbon footprint, and secure long-term competitiveness in the emerging green economy.

Moderator: Vladimir Rajić


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Don't miss the perfect opportunity to showcase yourself as a leader in the field of renewable energy. As a sponsor, you'll gain a unique chance to increase your brand's visibility and establish significant connections with key players in the industry. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from inspiring speakers, take part in panel discussions, and explore new collaboration possibilities.

We look forward to having you with us!

Organizator: MINT Creative Agency /

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